Ventiv Technology

Driving the Data Dividend

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3 Data analytics – a maturing discipline The four stages of analytical maturity describe where the business is in terms of harnessing data. Most risk managers will be used to reporting on claims and business trends. However, mature risk managers will use the available data and apply analytics to it to gain a deeper understanding of their risks, predict when those risks will manifest and make data-driven proposals on how they can be managed. Timely, well analysed data can make a persuasive argument for business model and process change. There is no question that a mature approach to analytics takes time and resource. Businesses will need to initially focus on getting their existing data and data infrastructure in line, before they can move up the maturity model. T I M E EF F O R T C O M P L E X I T Y V AL UE DESCRIPTIVE ANALYTICS PREDICTIVE ANALYTICS DIAGNOSTIC ANALYTICS PRESCRIPTIVE ANALYTICS THE WHAT Reporting the loss across the business THE FUTURE Identifying where future losses will occur and when. Spotting 'red flags' which can indiciate where losses will turn into major claims THE WHY Understanding why rates of loss differ across the business THE ACTION Agreeing processes or changes to avoid or reduce the impact of predicted losses ANALYTICAL CAPABILITY MATURITY DRIVING THE DATA DIVIDE | 3

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