Ventiv Technology

A Buyer's Guide to Patient Safety and IRM Systems, from Ventiv Technology

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A BUYER'S GUIDE TO PATIENT SAFETY AND IRM SYSTEMS | 3 Patient safety and integrated risk management systems share the same overall objectives: empowering managers to help staff and department directors improve processes for the purpose of preventing incidents and reducing harm. For risk managers specifically, an IRM system provides a broad view of all risks and exposures so they can make informed decisions around risk-retention strategies and effective risk transfer, which helps lower your overall cost of risk. For patient safety managers, access to accurate and reliable data empowers them to better identify trends and contributing factors in order to put effective processes and interventions in place. HERE ARE SPECIFIC BENEFITS YOU SHOULD EXPECT FROM PATIENT SAFETY AND IRM SYSTEMS: HOW DO PATIENT SAFETY AND IRM SYSTEMS DELIVER ROI? Provide the ability to set strategies that deal with uncertainty over time. Empower managers with live information so trends and root causes can be quickly discovered and where possible prevented and reduced. Ability to rapidly respond to organizational changes based on live input from front- line reporters. More accurate, complete and reliable data because of consistent data entry processes. Deliver a full picture of current and historical trends. Reduce the number of events by better identifying trends. Ensure real-time, complete event reporting, enabling risk management to get involved sooner. Less time spent managing data and completing low-value tasks. Determine the appropriate course of action by scoring risks for likelihood and impact of those potential future events. Improve the effectiveness of safety huddles by recognizing potential incidents earlier. Specifically, by putting easy-to- analyze data right at users' fingertips. Consolidations and data merges are done automatically.

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