Overall, K&S has the reputation of
being a well-run firm with an excellent
loss history across all its lines of
coverage. is stellar performance speaks
volumes about the company's safety,
risk management and loss prevention
programs. In fact, K&S has done such a
great job at managing its motor vehicle
claims, that at its last motor insurance
renewal, Aon was able to help negotiate
a 13-percent reduction in its aggregate
deductible, while keeping premiums
the same.
"Our department has embraced
RiskConsole," concluded Johnston. "We
add quality data to the system, and as a
result, the system has begun to work for
us—providing our company and our Aon
brokerage team with the information we
need to achieve the best-possible results."
Please contact Stephen Bell on +61 410 069 030 or email stephen.bell@aon.com.au
for more information
fiona Johnston,
K&s freiGhters
"In addItIon, RISkConSole IS ConneCted
to ouR fleet SyStem and ouR employee
databaSe. aS we add vehICleS oR new
dRIveRS, thIS InfoRmatIon IS automatICally
uploaded Into RISkConSole, So we have
the moSt up-to-date data."