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3 4 | 360º Aon eSolutions Bottom line, getting a secure grip on company data has moved center stage in the risk management continuum. If a business can manage its data effectively and creatively, it increases the odds of avoiding claims and achieving other successes within risk management. With that trend in mind, Aon eSolutions is now offering its customers a business intelligence tool (leveraging the IBM Cognos 8 solution) as a critical component of RiskConsole. With the business intelligence tool, RiskConsole users receive added power in building an effective risk management strategy. business intelligence at work: the henkel experience Effectively using data is top of mind for David I. Schwartzer, risk manager at Henkel, a Fortune Global 500 leader in brands and technologies that markets a wide range of well-known consumer and industrial brands in North America, including Dial ® soaps, Purex ® laundry detergents, and Loctite ® adhesives. "At Henkel, we use a RMIS to manage multiple aspects of our risk and insurance program, from policy to property and claims to litigation," notes Schwartzer. "e RiskConsole business intelligence tool has enhanced and expanded how we use RiskConsole and the business value we gain from it. "We are typical of risk management departments in that we interface with many other departments both internally and outside of Henkel," Schwartzer continues. "We provide data and analysis to other departments within our company, to the parent company in Germany and to third parties such as auditors and actuarial firms who perform analyses of our claim portfolio. With the high-quality reporting that the business intelligence tool enables us to produce, we've raised the risk management team's stature both inside and outside of Henkel." Schwartzer has been impressed by the ability of the tool to enhance not only the content of his team's reporting, but also how it is presented: "e RiskConsole business intelligence tool is clearly a very powerful reporting application. On the one hand, our ability to interrogate data and learn from it has improved in that we have ways of looking at data now that help us ask questions we might not have known we needed to answer. We've also gained the ability to present our data in what is clearly a more professional manner. We've moved from spreadsheet-based reports to a successfuL risK manaGement strateGy reQuires an array of smart, effective strateGies, thouGh some may be more criticaL than others. data is one of those criticaL success factors, and it is arGuabLy the most criticaL in today's compLex WorLd. PRoviDES USERS WitH tHE ABiLity to viEW DAtA BRoADLy oR AS DEtAiLED AS AN iNDiviDUAL CLAiM, PoLiCy, PRoPERty, DRivER, EMPLoyEE oR vEHiCLE RECoRD. iNCREASES tHE REACH oF BUSiNESS iNtELLiGENCE By AttRACtiNG MoRE BUSiNESS USERS, ENGAGiNG tHEM WitH A DyNAMiC iNtERACtivE BUSiNESS iNtELLiGENCE ExPERiENCE. iMPRovES ALiGNMENt BEtWEEN StRAtEGy AND oPERAtioNS, ADvANCED ANALytiCS AND StRAtEGiC PLANNiNG. the riskconsole business intelligence Module: