approved, the corresponding medical bill is
automatically routed for payment, and re-
priced bills are imported back into iVOS,"
says Carlson.
"We established a total of fifteen
interfaces, five of which are with medical
bill review companies," says Carlson. "At
first, it was a challenge to configure all
of the interfaces, but now that they're
established, transfer of data is successful."
claims oversight & compliance
"iVOS helps to improve our claims-
handling performance," Ozuna says.
"Reporting tools identify unprocessed
payments or open claims with a lack of
activity. Supervisors can easily review
caseloads to identify and address
In workers' compensation, almost
every process has a statutory timeline
attached to it. If deadlines are not met,
companies can be assessed penalties.
"Previously, we reviewed retrospective
compliance reports," says Ozuna. "Since
the review identified potential issues
'after the fact,' we were more exposed to
potential penalties. iVOS tracks statutory
timelines and notifies supervisors as
deadlines are approaching. In this way,
supervisors can proactively ensure timely
action, reducing our exposure to potential
penalties. is meets the objectives of our
original charter, which included improving
compliance with regulatory requirements."
"It is critical for a claims organization
to keep up with changes to legislation,
regulations and federal mandates," Ozuna
notes. "iVOS offers continual updates.
ere's peace of mind in knowing Aon
eSolutions keeps pace with today's ever-
evolving claims environment."
"Since we're focused on small
businesses, our customers are agile and
fast-paced by nature. It's critical that
we're transactionally efficient; iVOS
helps us achieve this, which in addition
to properly managing loss costs, is the
best way we can service our customers,"
concludes Ozuna.
Please contact Kari Bryant on + 1 925 242 6110 or email
for more information
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