"With iVOS business rules, we added unique
logic to automatically assign a rating code—
from 1 to 5—to each event based on severity,
with 1 being a minor event and 5 a major one.
Schools can configure iVOS rules to send
automated e-mail alerts and meet their unique
process requirements," said Boiteau. "For
example, our Superintendent team is
automatically notified of severe injuries."
"Recently, our school board developed a
comprehensive health and safety program—
one key element is timely reporting of injuries,
but the program also includes safety practices
and facility inspections," said Breit. "iVOS
helps in several ways. First, it speeds up the
injury-reporting process to comply with
mandated timeframes. It also notifies
occupational health and safety officers of
environmental hazards, so they can promptly
investigate and address concerns. The result
is we've improved our rating with the WCB,
which has saved us significant costs."
future innOvAtiOns
"As USIC members utilize iVOS, they see the
tremendous opportunities that exist," said
Groves. "Over the next year, we anticipate
school boards will come up with new ways to
leverage iVOS. This speaks to the power of
the system. It's highly flexible and adaptable,
enabling members to come up with new
strategies. In the end, we all benefit from these
innovative approaches."
"Once we've achieved a consistent level of
reporting and a sizeable amount of data, we'll
be able to assess our risk profile and implement
initiatives to improve safety for children and
staff by enabling members to identify and
address risks before serious accidents occur,"
said Groves. "That's the primary driver behind
our decision to implement iVOS. In addition,
we hope to reduce losses and premiums."
"USIC currently experiences about 40,000
events a year," said Hamel. "As we move into
the future, we'll have in-depth information to
illustrate how risk management is positively
impacting liability and property claims, as
well as total costs of risk. Ultimately, this will
assist in securing optimal coverage and
pricing. Finally, although event information
is not being shared among members, common
risk management practices may be
established, bringing more consistency and
cohesiveness to USIC."
Scott Hinz on 1 925 242 7462 or email scott.hinz@aon.com
for more information
RoB GRoves, DiReCtoR of finanCe anD Business seRviCes at CalGaRy CatholiC sChools,
keRRie BReit, supeRvisoR, Business seRviCes, at CalGaRy CatholiC, GeRRy Boiteau,
manaGeR, Business seRviCes at CalGaRy CatholiC, anD noRa mouGhalian, senioR
manaGeR, Risk anD insuRanCe manaGement, With CalGaRy BoaRD of eDuCation
event reports
ivOs suCCessful implementAtiOn