Ventiv Technology

Ventiv Claims OPT 2019

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Claims OPT, in Partnership with Oliver Wyman Claims Optimization and Predictive Triaging Ventiv Technology offers Claims OPT (Optimization and Predictive Triaging), in partnership with the Actuarial Practice of Oliver Wyman, to clients using any Ventiv product: Ventiv IRM™, Ventiv Claims™, and Ventiv Policy™. With Claims OPT, claims and risk managers can reduce costs by optimizing claims decisions and more effectively allocating resources. Claims OPT adds process efficiency and cost savings to the management of workers' comp, casualty, and general liability claims. Claims OPT puts Oliver Wyman's industry- leading data models to work for Ventiv clients and makes possible a data-driven approach to claims management. HOW CLAIMS OPT CAN HELP As claims cost increase and become more volatile, Claims OPT gives claims managers and examiners the information they need to answer questions like: X How can we identify claims most likely to develop adversely? With Claims OPT, you'll be automatically alerted to potential "jumper" claims—well before costs begin to escalate. Oliver Wyman's data models (off the shelf and custom) leverage your organization's historical data as well as Oliver Wyman's industry aggregated benchmark data and any other third-party data you use. With advanced data models integrated into your Ventiv application, you'll be notified early on of those claims with the potential to develop adversely; by moving proactively on those claims, you'll be positioned to reduce the ultimate loss cost. CONTINUED X WHO IS IT FOR? Any organization, regardless of size or industry, seeking to incorporate predictive data (in the form of industry aggregated benchmark data) into their casualty, workers' comp, and general liability claims-management decisions.

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